5 Best Online Multiplayer Games to Play with Your Friends

There is only so much of movies or serial episodes that you can watch before craving human interaction. The pandemic and its associated ‘social distancing’ and ‘staying home to stay safe’ have gone a long way in enhancing dependence on the internet for staying socially connected.
The best way to stay connected, entertained as well as interacting with others, is through playing online multiplayer games. There is a wide variety of games available online and the challenge is not only to find something playable, but deciding which is the most interesting. Though online games have been evolving over the years, they started trending more during this pandemic era. You can enjoy online games with the contacts from your social media apps or with unknown virtual playmates. Here is a look at some of the best multiplayer games available online.
Maintaining a poker face isn’t a problem when playing poker online. And the best part is that you get to enjoy the madness of this bluffing game without even using real money. It has been garnering greater popularity of recent with more people playing this online game from the comfort of their home.
Angry Birds
A new, improved version of angry birds is now available online with a catchy storyline and modifications. It’s just in time for all those holed up at home and bored out of their minds. You will need to download the game first to have fun with these feathery friends.
You can enjoy this online game with your friends and have fun making up fake answers to check your friends’ knowledge. It’s a combination of 4 interactive games with a different theme in each version. Play this game and have fun outwitting your friends!
This game is the Indian version of the multiplayer game called Bingo. It can be played online and can be great fun for the whole family! Download the latest, improved version and get assured of a fun evening!
Ideal for space sci-fi lovers, this online game brings all the players (crew) together to work against preventing the ship from exploding, by following time-sensitive instructions. Have fun trying to save the ship!