Advantages of Hiring Remote Workers

The forced restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a majority of people working remotely. Interestingly, it has also opened up new debates on the benefits of hiring remote workers as many advantages of ‘work from home’ culture have become visible now. For those not convinced about hiring remote workers, here’s a look at some of it’s advantages:
Higher Productivity
Contrary to expectations, remote workers yield higher productivity as they work from their comfort zone, at timings that are more suitable to them. They are able to dedicate more quality time to work, start work early and finish assignments on time. There are also less incidents of calling in sick, taking long breaks or rushing off for errands.
Cost Effective
Hiring remote workers means you don’t have to spend additionally for more office space, furnishing, office supplies or equipments for employees. You also get to save on electricity, internet, water, janitorial services, cleaners and maintenance services. All this can translate to a lot of savings per employee!
Larger Talent Pool
Hiring remote worker also means that you gain access to a wider talent pool that isn’t limited by geographical boundaries. You can hire remote workers at a global level without having to worry about expenses incurred on logistics related to their relocation.
Improved Employee Retention
There is greater employee satisfaction when they can work autonomously in their own space and at their own pace. Such remote workers enjoy the flexibility of working full-time without the distractions of commuting or office environment. And all this results in greater employee retention as remote employees are more comfortable.
Improved Time Management
Inevitable incidences of absence from work and tardiness are greatly reduced when employees don’t have to face the hassles of travelling to and fro from work. They are more relaxed and stress-free and able to put in maximum hours at work.
Reduced Carbon Footprint
Remote working also means a reduced carbon footprint as there is less commuting involved. This means lower dependence on fossil fuels and lower air pollution. This translates to lower environmental pollution.
When paired with an unlimited broadband plan and a dedicated internet service provider, hiring remote workers seems the best way forward!