Benefits of the Internet for Elderly People

It is common knowledge that elderly people tend to avoid the internet as its a comparatively new technology for them. However, in these unprecedented times when there is a pandemic raging, the internet offers numerous benefits to the elderly too.
Here’s a look at some of these benefits:
Helps in delaying cognitive decline
The web offers numerous opportunities for the elderly to learn new things, develop hobbies, play online games like chess, strategic puzzles or Sudoku or just watch online videos. This e-learning helps keep their minds active and stimulated and delays the natural process of mental aging.
Helps in staying connected
Elderly people have unfortunately become socially isolated and lonely as they are unable to go out and about. This triggers feelings of loneliness and depression in them. However, access to the internet helps them stay connected to the outside world. Easy ingress to various social media platforms through the internet also means they can have an active social life by staying connected with their friends, family and online communities, sharing photos and status updates.
Helps promote physical health
There is a plethora of information available online on various health conditions, the right type of nutrition according to age as well as details about medications. The elderly can watch videos of workouts online and practice them at home. All this empowers the elderly to take better care of themselves and lead healthier lives.
Helps connect to tele-health or E-health services
Routine check-ups at the hospital are not always possible for the elderly. Most city hospitals offer paid doctors appointments via video chats over the internet. These tele-health services have become more practical for the elderly during this pandemic.
Helps in staying entertained
For home-bound people, especially the elderly, the internet is a major boon when it comes to entertainment. They can listen to favorite songs, watch movies and enjoy group video calls and VOIP calls with friends and family. This way they feel more positive and proactive.
Helps them stay independent
With almost everything being available online, elders can even enjoy shopping on their own, whether its for medicines, groceries, clothes or even furniture. This way, the internet gives them greater independence and empowerment.