Will Broadband Become Obsolete?

internet services

It was just two decades back when the slow dial-up DSL connection was the star of the day. There have been rapid advancements since then with internet accessing technologies evolving to deliver broadband via copper cables and fiber optics. And 1G speeds have now been superseded by 2G, 3G and 4G, with the superfast 5G being the latest entrant.

How to Choose the Best Internet Connection for Your Home

best home broadband

The internet has become ubiquitous to modern living and is applicable in almost every sphere of life. Which makes it all the more important for you to understand how it works and which is the best type of internet connection for your home. Though the internet started up as a dial-up connection, the popular type of broadband used these days include copper and fiber networks.

Facts About Satellite Internet

dish internet

Just like traditional cable wires provide internet services your way, satellite internet also serves the same purpose. The only difference is that the service is provided to you via a satellite perched some 22,000 miles up in the sky. Satellite internet becomes especially practical in those hard-to-reach remote areas where it’s difficult to access traditional cable internet.

How Has Wireless Technology Changed Our Life?

It’s hard to imagine the seemingly dark days before the advent of wireless technology. And it’s even harder to imagine how people stayed happy when there was no Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to stay connected and current with the rest of the world. The number of things that can be achieved sitting in front of your smartphone or PC is nothing short of miraculous today. Here is a look at some of the ways that wireless technology has changed lives forever:

How to Set Up Internet Service

How to Set Up Internet Service

Whether you are setting up new internet service for the first time or are moving home and need to set up your internet service again, getting connected has never been easier. Getting your Wi-Fi up and running in your home includes the following 4 steps:

How to Check If Someone is Stealing Your Wi-Fi

How to Check If Someone is Stealing Your Wi-Fi

There is always data whizzing around through the airwaves. Technologies like wireless routers and hotspots have meant that any place you happen to be in, can be converted into a Wi-Fi zone. This can be at your favorite hangout, the library or even the airport.

Are 5G Routers Good?

5G Routers

Internet technologies are advancing rapidly and so are the data speed needs by people. From coaxial cables to the more efficient fiber optic technology and from 2G all the way to the super-fast internet speeds of 5G, the demand for greater advancements in internet technology is always on the anvil. However, there isn’t much use in getting high-speed internet connectivity if you don’t have a strong router to back it.

Types of WiFi Routers

best wifi routers

In this internet-enabled era where homes are becoming increasingly driven by artificial intelligence, the router takes on greater significance. It is used to transfer data in the form of packets though a minimum of two different networks. Routers work as traffic wardens, directing the flow of data efficiently among various networks as well as to the ISP (internet service provider). There are five different types of routers, with each one being suited for a particular function.

Will 5G Replace Fiber Broadband?

5g network

This millennium is definitely dedicated to internet technology as it makes progress by leaps and bounds and becomes a part of almost every aspect of modern-day living. And with the dawn of 5G technology, newer changes are in the offing again.

What is the Future of Cybersecurity?

future cybersecurity

The importance of cybersecurity is going to be just as important in the future as it is today – if not more. The world is becoming increasingly dependent on digital products powered by IoT. And as people blissfully rely more and more on these digital products specifically designed to make life more comfortable, they are unwittingly exposing themselves to cyber-attacks.