Will Broadband Work Without Electricity

can wifi work without electricity

Times have changed and now your work is online, your bank is online, your friends and family are online, in fact your whole life is online! But then, what would happen the day the internet connection goes off? Chaos. The possibility of electricity going off due to bad weather conditions, transformer malfunction or even maintenance can all lead to a crisis in your life as it grinds to a halt.

Tips to Improve Your Internet Privacy

privacy on internet

You will be surprised to know how visible you are on the internet as marketers and shady people with dubious intentions track your online activities. There are ways however by which you can protect your data and improve your online privacy. Here are some ways to go about it:

How 5G is Different from 4G?

difference between 4g and 5g

While the 2000’s were dominated by 3G, the next decade it was replaced by 4G. The current decade is seeing it slowly, but surely upgrading to 5G wireless communication. By 2021, there were already 438 million 5G connections, with this number increasing year on year.

Likewise, the uses have also evolved right from just providing internet connectivity to now powering complex infrastructure using IoT technology in smart cities. However, the nagging question still remains – what’s the difference between 4G and 5G network technologies? Here’s a look at their differences:

What is Wi-Fi 7?

wifi 7

Technologies are advancing rapidly and your router hasn’t been left out either. For those who recently upgraded to Wi-Fi 6, the next successor is Wi-Fi 6E. Work is already ongoing for Wi-Fi 7 standards and it’s expected to become available in another year or so. However, do note that this doesn’t mean Wi-Fi6 & 6E will become redundant but will continue to be supported.

How Do I Get a Fiber Connection to My Home?

fibre optic broadband

The internet has become an indispensable part of life in today’s world and has become a necessity for staying connected. The recent COVID-19 pandemic further emphasized the importance of fast, reliable and secure internet connectivity, when the whole world moved online with the ‘work-from-home’ and ‘learn-from-home’ concepts becoming a norm.

6 Ways to Get Smarter Online

enriching education online

The internet has brought the education system right into your living room, with many educational platforms being available online. All you need is a good broadband internet connection and a thriving interest to learn – and the world becomes your oyster! For those interested in enriching their knowledge online, here is a look at some of the best websites to make you smarter!

5 Internet Gaming Tips to Stay Safe from Hackers

safe online games

With the advent of the internet, many people have turned towards indoor games to play online games. The COVID-19 pandemic further led to a 30% jump in online players from Q1 to Q2 in 2020 as the world moved into the ‘lock-down’ mode and stayed indoors.

Advantages of Using the Internet to Find Jobs Online

online job hunt

The advent of the internet has changed lifestyles irrevocably, and this has only been for the better. Literally, everything can now be accomplished online these days, right from the comfort of your own home. The internet is the fastest, cheapest and most user-friendly platform to get anything done.

The Future of OTT Platforms in India

ott platforms in india

The pandemic and subsequent lock-downs affected almost every aspect of life and people had to make changes and adapt to a ‘new normal’. With most industries being affected adversely, there was a need to evolve and reinvent the way things worked to get out of the backlash of the pandemic.

Tips to Keep Your Online Bank Account Secure

switching to online banking

The 21st century has brought many changes with it as the world moved online. This includes banking services too. Now you no longer need to drive down to the bank as almost every type of transaction can be conducted online over the computer or on your smartphone.