How to Raise Your Kid as a Responsible Digital Citizen?

good digital citizen - asianet broadband

The current generation is ‘internet-trained’ right from a very young age, and this trend just got further enhanced by the COVID-19 pandemic where children are attending school online, socializing online and even graduating online.

How to Check Your Broadband Download Speed?

broadband download speed - asianet broadband

There are so much new jargons in the computing world to learn with download speeds being one of them. While broadband speeds are supposed to be very fast, exactly what are your downloading speeds? Are they sufficient for your needs? Or do you experience lag or slow speeds when downloading files or streaming HD videos?

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Choosing Your Internet Connection

best broadband in kerala - asianet broadband

The pandemic has brought home the importance of the internet yet again, with most businesses and education having gone online. Payment of utilities, online shopping, banking and socializing are being increasingly done online too, translating to even further dependence on the internet.

Work From Home: Tips for Working Professionals

wfh tips - best broadband in kerala

As with most other things, there are pros and cons associated with working from home too. During 2020, there was no way out but to work from home to maintain social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While working from the office poses the disruptions caused by colleagues dropping by for a chat and breaking your concentration, working from home has its own share of challenges too.

While a major advantage of working from home is foregoing the daily commute to and fro from the office, it also means there is no peer pressure to get stuff done. Separating home life from office work can get challenging too. To help you work better from home, here are a few tips:

Internet connection

The most important factor for effective working from home is having access to a good broadband connection offering sufficient speeds to match your needs. After all you wouldn’t want lag when you are having a video conference with the office. Unlimited fiber connections are better in such a situation.

Clear boundaries

You will need to set up a designated space for your home office. Working from the sofa or kitchen counter isn’t conducive to productive work and can serve as a distraction. To stay focused on work, you need to create a boundary between your home office and home life.

Create a schedule

It’s easy to forego work discipline when working from home. For productive work and timely completion of projects, do create a work schedule and stick to it. Don’t let work from home mean you are stuck to your computer all day! Just like any regular working day, you should have a designated time for office work as well as for family life.

Take breaks

Just like you would at the office, you need to take breaks once in a while as your brain needs a break too. You will come back fresher for having taken the break! You can fix lunch, read the newspaper or play with the kids.

Staying connected

Stay connected with your colleagues and stay motivated. Regular chats with your colleagues will keep the team spirits up, and keep you productive. It will also increase your visibility, a necessity for promotions.








Tips to Reduce Lag During Online Gaming

online gaming lag - asianet broadband

Playing games has now moved indoors, and to be more specific, games have now moved online. It’s estimated that there are about one billion active online gamers on a global scale, with South Korea, China and Japan leading the way. For smooth online gaming, a constant factor is the need for speed and bandwidth. After all, you wouldn’t want to lose a game just because your network was slow or experiencing lag.

Low latency or lag in your internet service makes all the difference between winning and losing a game. Lag is measured in milliseconds and refers to inferior server processing power and a low bandwidth connection. Here are some ways to reduce lag while you are gaming online:

Check requirements

Before starting a game, check its requirements against your hard drive. This will give you a clear idea of whether you will be experiencing lag. Where possible, upgrade the RAM (memory) on your device.

Close other programs

Shut down any other programs running concurrently to avoid burdening the bandwidth. Skype and YouTube are bandwidth hoggers and will need to be shut down to minimize lag while you are playing. You could also ensure others on your Wi-Fi connection aren’t using bandwidth-intensive programs while you are gaming.

Broadband source

Your broadband link grossly affects your gaming experience. If you are using a satellite connection or a dial-up modem, you are bound to experience greater latency and lag as compared to copper cables and fibernet technology.

Wired Connection

It’s better to ditch the router and connect directly to your wired internet connection. Bypassing the Wi-Fi is bound to speed up your gaming experience tremendously. Alternatively, you could invest in a high-quality router that is optimized for gaming.

Disable automatic updates

You could also consider temporary disabling of automatic updates as they can also hog your bandwidth. After all, you wouldn’t want an automatic update to ruin your game! Another option is to disable the device’s firewall. This will prevent it from scanning your game for information and slowing down your game in the process.

Going with a fiber broadband connection is the best way forward for gamers, as there is zero lag and latency involved here.



Tips to Improve Video Streaming Quality

live video streaming - asianet broadband

Live video streaming has been a boon during the pandemic lockdowns. It has not only helped those working from home to attend online meetings and continue business-as-usual, but also helped students study from home. Aside from this, live video streaming has helped people stay connected during the lonely days of social distancing and staying home.

How to Keep Your Family Safe in the Online World?

online safety tips - asianet broadband

The online world is a very interesting place to be. There is so much that can be done including office work, learning, social networking apps, games, live video streaming, etc. While it all seems like so much fun, you shouldn’t overlook the safety aspect as there are umpteen ways your unsuspecting family can get victimized. Cyber-crooks are tech savvy and know how to go around hacking into systems and exploiting innocent users. Sometimes it’s just related to monetary demands, at other times it could be blackmail.

How to make your Smart TV Smarter with a High Speed Internet Connection?

Smart TV

Did you know that your smart TV can bring you so much more joy than just watching the latest series on Netflix or Amazon. Two decades back, it was the internet-enabled computer that was the item to flaunt, but now it is the smart TV. With the minimal addition of a few gadgets and a strong and reliable internet connection, your smart TV can become a major source of entertainment for the whole family.

How to Grow your Online Business with a Fibernet Connection?

online business

The route to growing any business these days is through a digital presence. Running a successful business means having access to a fast and reliable internet connection. And with the new norm of working from home, there is increased digitization of everything which makes having access to high speed internet more important than ever. It also helps your business run smoothly and hitch-free.

While coaxial internet cables and Ethernet had their prime days, it’s time to transition to Fibernet connections which are known to have no lag, speed fluctuations or connectivity issues. Fibernet connections, also known as FTTH (Fiber to the home) connections, can transform the way you do business by providing the following features:


As a rule, businesses need more bandwidth than normally used due to a number of users and multiple devices logged on simultaneously. To be able to provide and support so much bandwidth, you are better off with a Fibernet connection which offers higher bandwidths, without compromising on speeds. Online business activities such as video conferencing and file sharing become easier and faster with a Fibernet connection too.

Upload and Download Speeds

With businesses, downloading and uploading speeds are both of equal importance. Since Fibernet connections offer both uploading and downloading at high speeds, they are ideal for your fast-paced business needs.


Fibernet connections come with high level of security. It’s virtually impossible to hack into fiber optic systems, making them ideal for businesses. In fact the only way to get into it would be by physically cutting the wires; and even they are pretty tough when bound together! This means that the best way to keep your businesses protected from cyber crime is by using a Fibernet connection.


The time gap between your pressing a command and resultant action gets greatly reduced when using a Fibernet connection. Lack of wastage of time spent on buffering ensures that businesses run smoothly and effectively.


Fibernet connections are more robust and immune to weather conditions and human interference. As even minor internet interruptions can bring down productivity and communication in a fast-paced online business, it’s better to play safe and use a stable Fibernet connection.



Digital Clean-up: Tips to Get Your Digital Life Back in Shape

digital cleanup

Just the way a home is cleaned out from top-to-bottom once a year to get rid of unused junk and to restore order, so too do digital devices also need a clean-up once in a while. Giving your digital world a thorough clean-up helps it to work optimally and get more work done in less time. Here’s a simple guide to getting your digital life back in shape: