10 Hacks for Faster Online Gaming Connection

best broadband for gaming - asianet broadband

Anyone who has been through the nail-biting agony waiting for their net connection to complete buffering, will know the importance of having a reliable high speed broadband connection. And if you happen to be an online competitive gamer, then a reliable internet connection becomes indispensable. Here are 10 simple hacks to maximize the efficiency of your internet connect and improve your gaming experience:

Wi-Fi network

You can check the signal strength of your Wi-Fi through certain mobile apps. These apps let you know where the signal strength is strongest in the house for placing your gaming device.


Most modern routers come with antennas. Align one antenna parallel with the antenna on your gaming device to experience significant improvement in your gaming experience.


Radio frequency wave emitting devices close to your gaming console can cause interference with your game. Shift your gaming device away from such sources of interference.

Multiple Devices

When gaming over a Wi-Fi connection, ensure that your home network is not overcrowded with multiple devices hooked on simultaneously. Decongesting the Wi-Fi will ensure there are no speed drops.


There is a possibility that there are downloads running in the background of your computer leading to slowdown of your game. Consider shutting down all downloads to improve your gaming performance.

Router Placement

Sometimes even the latest router models with enhanced Wi-Fi capabilities are unable to give you the performance you desire because of their location. Try placing it where there are enough surfaces for signals to bounce off to reach your gaming device.

Router Dead Spots

There will invariably be dead spots in your home where the Wi-Fi signal is zero. Find these dead spots and avoid placing your gaming device there.


Sometimes a simple restart of your router can act as a quick fix for the inefficiency of your Wi-Fi. Schedule a regular reboot of your router to enjoy better gaming experiences.


Routers featuring multi-channel connections offer you the opportunity to switch channels and use the one offering least interference.


And if nothing else works out, here is a reason for you to upgrade your router to one with easy configuration options to make your Wi-Fi better for gaming!

What is a Wi-Fi Extender? How do you use a Wi-Fi Extender?

wi-fi range extender

Wi-Fi extenders, also known as Wi-Fi boosters or repeaters, play a crucial role in enhancing the coverage area of your Wi-Fi network.

Things that may Slow Down your Broadband Connection

internet slowdown

With most people working and studying from home now, the need for a high-speed, reliable internet connection is a major concern. Bandwidth is now needed not only for your routine computer use, but also for mobile phones, gaming consoles, smart TVs, Internet of Things (IoT) and various streaming devices.

How our Internet Habits have Changed during the Lockdown Era?

lockdown period

There has been an unprecedented change in lifestyles post the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns. Social distancing to staying safe is the new mantra and most people are zealously staying on home turf only. The lockdown has also meant no more dining out, movie theaters, partying or get-together.

‘Work from home’ is the new norm prevailing along with online education. People are now doing all their shopping online – even for their groceries. Banking has also gone online with payment of all utility bills having moved to the online platform too. All this has meant an increasing dependence on internet for everything.

While office meetings are now on Zoom, Google meetings or Microsoft Teams in your living room, teaching has also gone virtual on Google classrooms. Entertainment has also gone online on media streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon and YouTube. The earlier flagging viewership on these platforms has seen multi-fold rise post the lockdowns.

Interestingly, people are turning away from their smartphones and preferring to stay connected through social media platforms. Messaging and texting have witnessed a fall during this pandemic era. News websites and Wikipedia have also seen greater viewership as people are struggling to stay informed and up-to-date on latest developments. The takeaways from this pandemic include:


YouTube has emerged as a common media entertainment source across all generations and genders. WHO website has also seen visitors from all generations in their quest for more ‘authentic’ information. A staggering 220% increase in viewership was noted on the BBC sites too. Netflix traffic increased by 136% and Amazon by 143% year-on-year.


With the unusual amounts of internet usage, homes are consuming more bandwidth than ever before. Daytime usage has seen an increase by 75% and evening use by 65%. These peaks in demand have meant families opting for larger data packs and preference for high-speed fiber optics cables. Even with easing lockdown rules, there has been no significant drops in internet usage.

Staying Positive

Everyone is depending on internet-enabled devices to stay informed as well as distracted from the travails of the pandemic. The internet has become the tool to staying positive by all generations.

5 Signs You Need to Upgrade Your Internet

upgrade internet plan - asianet broadband

With lifestyles changing during this pandemic, internet connectivity has gained immense importance for day-to-day living. Its become essential for personal as well as professional purposes. And for all this to occur seamlessly for you and your family’s multiple internet-enabled devices, you will need access to a high-speed, reliable internet connection.

With social distancing and staying home norms, internet usage has become substantially higher with more data usage than ever before. If you find that you have frequent issues with stable internet connectivity or lagging speeds, then you will need to contact your broadband provider for troubleshooting ideas and a possible upgrade in your broadband package. But before going for an upgrade, do check if its due to other issues like damaged wires or a better location of the router.

Here are 5 possible signs that you might need to upgrade your internet package:

Too many Smart Devices

With progress in technology, a number of other smart household devices also need to use your precious internet data to transport information to their final destinations. These could include your light bulbs, thermostats, coffeemakers, speakers, etc.

Additional Streaming Services

These days, Zoom meetings, Skype, FaceTime and various other live streaming apps are in vogue. Your broadband package might be able to handle a couple of these streaming devices, but if you are using more than that at any given time, chances are you might need to upgrade your internet pack to sustain all these data-hogging apps.

Device Upgrades

With the introduction of LTE (Long Term Evolution) technology, Wi-Fi enabled devices now come with enhanced capabilities of ten times faster downloads. Faster data transfers need an upgrade in your internet package too.

Frequent Disconnections

Disconnections can be due to a multitude of issues including damaged wires, routers or software-related issues. Disconnections are downright irritating, especially if you are in the middle of an important meeting or even a game. Your ISP can figure out if its a network issue or you need an upgrade in data plan.

Internet Plans

Monthly internet plans come with a data cap, which get cut-off once exceeded. Go with fibernet connections with unlimited data plans which ensure continuity and no rude interruptions.

What is an IP Address? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

ip address

Also known as Internet ‘Protocol address’, the IP address is a unique identity assigned to any device linked to the internet. It is a string of numbers that are separated by periods. This string consists of four sets of numbers that can range from 0 to 255. An example of an IP address is – ‘’. Accordingly, IP addresses can range from to

How to Clean your Wi-Fi Router?

wi-fi router

Your Wi-Fi router is connected to the modem and enables multiple devices to connect wirelessly to your internet server at the same time. While the router needs to be cleared up regularly to get rid of history and any malware, it also needs physical cleaning.

How to Choose the Best Unlimited Broadband Plans?

unlimited broadband plans - asianet broadband

The advent of the internet has shrunk the world, creating a global village and connecting people from virtually every corner of the world. Broadband is increasingly being used in almost every aspect of day-to-day activities and has become an inseparable part of life. So much so that any problems in connectivity or performance can result in the day’s schedule going upside down!

Advantages of Hiring Remote Workers

remote workers

The forced restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a majority of people working remotely. Interestingly, it has also opened up new debates on the benefits of hiring remote workers as many advantages of ‘work from home’ culture have become visible now. For those not convinced about hiring remote workers, here’s a look at some of it’s advantages:

Tips for Successful Video Conferencing

video conference

With businesses going global, many people are turning to video conferencing to connect virtually with colleagues and business partners. Video conferencing has become even more useful during the current ‘work from home’ scenario necessitated by the ongoing pandemic.