How to Choose the Right Modem for your Broadband Plan

It has been documented that the advent of the broadband internet has resulted in increased turnovers in businesses, making transactions and communication much easier as well as faster. When you are choosing an internet connection, you also need to take the time out to choose a suitable modem that will match your broadband needs.
Without knowing it, you could even be losing significant speeds on your connection package due to an unsuitable modem. The actual internet speed of your broadband connection depends on the speed of the modem, the Wi-Fi connection, the switches as well as the broadband data plan itself. So then, what exactly is a suitable modem? Generally, wireless modems are connections of choice for offices where it’s easier to connect numerous devices this way. Since a modem can connect only a single device to the internet, you would need a Wi-Fi device, or a router to be able to connect to more than one appliance at any given time. A combination of a modem and a router is known as a gateway.
Many internet service providers offer a gateway, but then it does have its disadvantages too. Getting a separate modem and router allows more flexibility in case you want to upgrade your network at a later date. If you want to upgrade your broadband speed, you will only need to upgrade the modem or if you want your network to have a faster speed or more settings and features, all you will need would be to replace the router. At Asianet Broadband internet services, we understand your needs and provide the best model of modems in a separate format.
When choosing broadband plans for businesses, you will need to consider the number of people who will be logged on at the same time on the net as well as the activities they will be engaged in. Activities like uploading or downloading large files of high resolution images or videos are best with an FTU (fiber termination unit) modem. The FTU is the final part of the fiber that is located within the house or office. A modem is placed onto the FTU when the customer wishes to connect to the services of the provider network.
The modem is basically a signal converter as it translates the internet into a usable form by your devices. It also connects to your office network. The type of modem used affects the wireless range, the strength and speed of the signal as well as its security. When buying a modem, it’s better to buy one with the capacity to deal with higher speeds of broadband data plan, as your needs may increase over time. This would allow you to avoid paying for another upgraded modem at a later date.
Sometimes you might need an additional signal repeater if the floor size is too big or if there are thick walls or obstacles in between. And when it comes to comparing modems, it’s the technical specifications on it that make the difference. The main features to look for is the wireless capability of the model; most models will show digits like ‘802n 2.4GHz’ referring to the standard its using as well as the bandwidth.