Choosing a Plan for Light Internet Use

Technology has taken over our lives to the extent that we find ourselves at a loose end when we are plucked out of our internet-cocooned life. We suddenly find it very hard to cope up with life as we have become so used to the broadband internet for most of our daily activities, starting from payment of bills and communications to office work and entertainment.
A situation without internet is hard to imagine, yet that is how our parents grew up and things weren’t too bad for them in those days! But today, these same parents are also becoming increasingly dependent on the internet for quite a number of their activities. And when it comes to choosing an internet broadband package for yourself, there are several criteria that you will need to consider carefully.
Before going shopping for an internet service provider, you first need to decide what kind of a web user you are…. Are you a light user or a heavy user? And do you have an idea of how many downloads you are planning to engage in? All this will help you to decide on the kind of package to select. This factor has to be considered along with other important factors like speed and cost.
If you are a heavy user, you would probably need heavy-use broadband or superfast broadband. But then if you are a light internet user and just use the broadband for emails and an occasional YouTube session, a beginner’s package would be great for you. Once you have got this out of the way, you now need to look around for a reliable broadband provider. You can access broadband through wireless and wired connections. The latter is more reliable, especially when it comes paired up with TV connection through coaxial cables. There are three ways that wired broadband is available – DSL, cable and fibre. Of these, cable is the most comfortable in terms of availability and on the pocket. Asianet Broadband services available throughout almost every part of rural and urban areas of Kerala comes packed in coaxial cables and is among the top internet service providers in the country.
If you are a light internet user, it’s better to go for an entry-level broadband plan. There is no point in going for high-speed packages when you might not be availing of the data paid for. And if over time, you do end up spending more time on the broadband, you can always upgrade your plan to a more expensive one. Alternatively, you could opt for a top-up plan.
Almost all internet service providers offer beginner broadband packages that are light on the pocket aside from being within your data usage limits. You could go for our Night Bird plan for just Rs.99 for 5GB data at 10Mbps speeds per month or you can opt for the Bolt 399 plan for Rs.399 for 4GB data at 20Mbps. These are in the prepaid category and will ensure that you are not overbilled at the end of the month. The postpaid plan is usually meant for heavy data users and definitely to be avoided by light internet users.