The Broadband Speed Test: Does Your Internet Browser Matter

Different browsers do come up with their own advantages. For example, Chrome is known for its HTML5 support, effectively future-proofing it for web application development. On the other hand, Firefox has a good start-up time, memory use and security. In the case of Opera, it can increase the offline speed with intelligent catching. Finally, Internet Explorer is what many users are familiar with and includes excellent hardware acceleration.
However, in reality, even though different browsers can affect the speed of web page loading and also download speed due to firewall constraints, none of them can make your internet connection faster. If you really want to improve broadband performance, initiate an online speed test to ensure that it lives up to the expectation what your ISP has promised.
Again, with different browsers, your online capabilities may vary. However, irrespective of the browser used, your internet speed will not be affected but browsing speed may vary when you chose one browser over another. It is important here to understand the fact that your upload and download speed is determined by your Internet Service Provider. When you select a package with a specific internet speed, the actual speed should not vary too much from that number.
Browsing speed also gets impacted when you open multiple tabs. It is possible that when one browser is faster with only one window, another browser is faster with multiple tabs open. Also, note that one browser could be faster than others at loading a single URL from the address bar.
Eventually, there is no clear winner as to which is the fastest browsers. Moreover, browsers are being updated all the time which means that no browser can fall short of others for a longer period. However, there are certain unique characteristics of each browser which sometimes affect their loading speeds. To ensure that your browser does not affect speed, check out if there are any secretly running applications in the background. This happens when you have added add-ons or extensions which works automatically once you open the browser. The previously visited sites may also sometimes slow down your speed due to heavy elements like embedded videos, pictures and other data. You can also try to clear cookies and cache and then check current internet speed using an online speed test.