The Use of Internet in Education

The advent of the internet in the last century introduced advantages in almost every sector. It not only brought improvements in communication and entertainment but also in the education sector. The Internet has been a boon in the field of education as it provides speedy access to the latest information that might not always be found after spending laborious hours in musty libraries. But with the internet, all it takes is the pressing of a few buttons and you get access to tons of information on almost anything under the sun. Here’s a look at the advantages of the internet in the education sector:
Easy Access of Information
The earlier method of accessing relevant information was by going through books, and you couldn’t be sure if it was the latest information you were getting either. However, with internet access, there is the availability of so much information, both old and new. Even past question papers on exams are available on the internet now, thus making it easy for students with internet access to prepare better for exams.
Online Examinations
Not only appearing for exams but also registration for exams has gone online. Thus, sitting for exams has become so much easier now for already stressed students. They no longer have to go to formal classrooms to sit for exams neither do they have to travel a long distance to appear for certain exams, thus taking away this stress from the student’s life. What’s more, online exams are usually in the MCQ format, which is a better test of knowledge.
A plethora of Information
There is only so much that books can offer you in terms of information. But when it comes to the internet, there is a glut of information on virtually any topic in our world. All you need do is open a search engine, type in a question and you get instant access to all the information you could possibly want. Majority of the information on the web is free and you can even save the information on your computer or print it out for easy retrieval. What’s more, you can even access information in the form of audio or video from the webs, but this isn’t feasible with books.
Turn to E-Learning
A new form of education has evolved with easy access to the internet. It’s called e-learning where you can attend virtual video classrooms, tutorials or even complete homework online while sitting at home. You can even earn college degrees this way with many colleges increasingly focusing on this format of education.