Wi-Fi or Broadband – Which is Better?

The world is getting increasingly hooked to the internet – and becoming a better place for it too. Technological advancements in this field have thankfully meant that people also now have access to faster broadband speeds than ever before. The Wi-Fi has also been upgraded to keep up with broadband developments, but still, a misconception exists about the two. Many people are under the impression both terms refer to the same thing, but the truth couldn’t be further than this!
Broadband refers to wide or broad bandwidth data transmission. This is an ‘always on’ high-speed signal that can be delivered via phone lines, coaxial copper cables or fiber optic cables.
Wi-Fi on the other hand refers to a wireless connection standard that employs radio frequency signals to connect your devices to the internet source.
Difference between Broadband and Wi-Fi
Broadband and Wi-Fi are two different entities with the fact being that the Wi-Fi essentially connects to the broadband via a router. The cable that connects into your home is your broadband connection and when these internet signals are connected to a wireless router, you create a wireless Wi-Fi network. In this way, the Wi-Fi disseminates wireless internet to your numerous internet-enabled devices through radio waves.
Which is Better – Broadband or Wi-Fi?
- Broadband and Wi-Fi are not mutually exclusive ways of accessing the internet – with the wireless Wi-Fi being dependent on broadband connection.
- When compared, broadband connections are more secure and consistent in comparison to the Wi-Fi network.
- Wi-Fi network speeds could go down if too many people are executing bandwidth-hogging activities simultaneously. The same doesn’t apply to broadband.
- With Wi-Fi network, there might be some areas with poor internet availability or greater latency.
- Wi-Fi is wireless and doesn’t need physical connectivity. It uses radio waves to disseminate internet coverage and is dependent on the router. Broadband on the other hand is always on and provides high speed internet connection all the time.
- While Wi-Fi connects devices to the home wireless network, broadband connects these networks to the worldwide internet.
Essentially, since the wireless Wi-Fi depends on the wired broadband connection, both types of standards are essential for smooth availability of internet across multiple devices at home/office.