Wireless Network Services For Rural Schools

Education is the fundamental right of every Indian citizen and is the stepping stone to a bright and prosperous future. Still, millions of children are denied this right because of a lack of proper infrastructure facilities. Certainly, the Internet can bridge the gap between rural and urban communities from a learning perspective.
There are several initiatives introduced under the scheme ‘Digital Village’ that aims to provide free WiFi to schools in rural areas. The concept of smart classes is derived from the ‘Digital Village’ program. The Wireless Network Solutions offered to rural communities enable them to access high-speed internet. It also helps students in rural areas for distance learning or other e-learning modules. The benefit here is that e-learning or e-education not only allows students to get instant information but they learn much better and faster as digital classrooms provide the opportunity to live and experiential education. A digital classroom is a magical world to the students in the sense that it gives a wide opportunity of exploration to the students. Simultaneously, teachers can also equip themselves better by preparing better lessons and engage in participative teaching. Learning thus can become more interesting, enjoyable and the number of enrolments also increases. The benefit is multiplied when tablets are distributed to the students or when they use smartphones after the sessions.
The availability of WiFi networks will help the students to get access to quality educational content. It also helps to deliver quality educational material digitally. It will also bring students in rural areas at par with the rest of the world by allowing them to experience a more advanced system of education that includes the latest technological advancements. In addition to this, the school authorities can monitor the progress of the students individually and based on the results they can design and develop programs to facilitate effective learning.
It is promising that the government has invested time and effort in overcoming infrastructure barriers in the provisioning of WiFi networks. Once, these gaps are narrowed down, internet use would become homogeneous. It is worth mentioning here that the availability of internet facilities to every citizen is likely to revolutionize the lives of the rural population in India.